To book an appointment, call us at 315-673-4858

About Lake Country Veterinary Care

Lake Country Veterinary Care is a multi-doctor small animal general practice located in the beautiful Fingerlakes of Central New York. Our primary focus is preventive and wellness care for the companion animals in our community but we also have advanced technologies and capabilities including; imaging (radiographs, ultrasound), soft tissue surgery, dental procedures, pain management, and integrative medicine options. Lake Country prides itself in having served its community for over 35 years thanks to the quality medicine and the exceptional staff that provides it.

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Compassionate care for your pets

Lake Country Veterinary Clinic was established in 1985 by Dr. Wayne Beilman. He has devoted more than 3 decades building a reputable and compassionate practice that served his community. He’s mentored numerous new graduates, saved even more lives, and collected enough memorable stories to fill a book…or three. One of the new graduates that learned from his mentorship was Dr. Allison Ambrosie; however, their relationship started years before vet school. Dr. Ambrosie’s family moved to Skaneateles in 1987, and they started bringing their dog to Lake Country. Like many of her peers, Dr. Ambrosie‘s love of animals and desire to become a vet started in childhood. Dr. Beilman cultivated that passion by allowing her to sit on the edge of the surgery suite to watch him repair her lab’s torn cruciate ligament, vetted her horse when LCVC was still a mixed practice and hired her as an assistant to gain experience prior to applying to vet school. After graduation, she returned home with her son and was hired as a new associate, where he continued to cultivate that passion over the next five years.

After more than 30 years of initiating his life’s work in the same building where he raised his family, Dr. Beilman has officially passed the torch to Dr. Ambrosie as the new owner. In doing this, Dr. Beilman has assured that Lake Country will stay an independently-owned, private practice instead of selling to corporate like many others have needed to do. Dr. Ambrosie is proud to be continuing his legacy of high-quality care for pets and the people who love them in the community that she calls home.

Dr. Ambrosie’s goal as the new owner is to maintain the personal relationships with clients and the quality medicine that has always been offered while making revisions to align with modern standards and practices.

As part of the transition, Dr. Ambrosie was required to establish a new name under which she would conduct business. In order to align with her goal of merging the old and the new, Dr. Ambrosie established her DBA as Lake Country Veterinary Care. The name change is the foundation upon which the practice will continue to evolve in management decisions and services offered to enhance the overall experience for our loyal clients.