Pet Dental Care
Just as it’s important for you to see a dentist regularly, it’s important for dogs and cats as well. Your pet’s oral health is directly connected to their overall health.

COHAT – Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment and Treatment
Your pet’s dental procedure, or COHAT, includes a thorough oral examination, full-mouth X-rays, periodontal charting, ultrasonic scaling and polishing, and, when necessary, surgical extractions of diseased teeth. We try very hard to preserve your pet’s normal dentition; however, in the presence of severe periodontal disease, tooth resorption, or fracture, the appropriate course of treatment is to extract the affected tooth.
Some of the clinical symptoms of periodontal disease that your pet may display include: pawing at the mouth/face rubbing, facial swelling, dropping food, bad breath, sneezing, poor appetite/weight loss, jaw opening reflex (“chattering” of the lower jaw), excessive drooling, vomiting, resenting touch or manipulation of the head, oral bleeding, or poor grooming (dull and matted coat in cats).
While we perform routine COHAT procedures and dental extractions, we do have the ability to refer to boarded dental specialists if your pet needs dental work that is more advanced than we can offer.

Pet Dental Digital Radiographs
We are proud that we have the most up-to-date equipment to treat dental disease, including digital dental x-rays. This allows us to detect if there is any disease beneath the gum line that we would not be able to see otherwise. We are often able to see undetected abscesses, broken teeth, resorbed roots, retained roots, and more thanks to dental radiographs.

Pet Dental Extractions
If the dental disease is advanced, tooth extraction may be necessary. If this is the case your veterinarian will use a local anesthetic in your pet’s mouth to ensure the best comfort possible. Our veterinarians are experienced in tooth extraction. Comfort and quick healing are a priority; your pet will receive in-hospital pain control and will go home with pain medication as well. To ensure proper continuity of care, we recheck all pets undergoing extractions two weeks following the procedure at no cost to confirm that appropriate healing has occurred and to make sure there is a plan in place for long-term oral health.